Practice your counters with our boxing app
Counter punching is a crucial strategy to add to your arsenal as a boxer. Throwing the right counter during a fight can stop the round instantly, and even if it doesn’t it will make your oponent think twice before attacking you blindly. Natural counter punchers step off, wait for gaps left by more offensive fighters and reel off combinations… so how to improve and get there?

In the recently released version 1.21.0 of the Shadow Boxing app for iOS we added the counter punching mode. It’s very similar to the virtual boxing pad work exercices, but with a focus on reacting to attacks and starting with a defensive movement.
Of course if you want to customize the experience even more, you can use the combo creator to get the same result but have it be exactly your way. This is the best option if you are a more experienced boxer and just want to add variety to your usual workouts with a mobile app.